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Botox Injections

Injectable Services

We offer several different kinds of injectable treatments. Read more about them below, and see what procedures we pair them with!

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Neurotoxin (Botox)

Concerned about wrinkles forming? Now's the time to act! Botox works best on dynamic wrinkles, but it can still soften static lines as well. Read more about it below!


Lip Filler

Using fillers that can move with your expressions is the most important quality for lip fillers. We want to make sure your lips stay soft and kissable, while also adding volume and defining the borders of your lips. 

Neck and Chin


We all hate that stubborn double-chin fat that so many of us struggle with. Kybella is perfect for dissolving that fat and, paired with a CryoSkin Slimming facial, can add definition to your face. 

A woman getting filler injection

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are perfect for adding volume, supporting areas with bone loss, and smoothing out stubborn lines.

Ancient Stone Sculpture


Worried about a soft jaw line? We can chisel it for you using Sculptra, which also helps produce collagen in addition to adding some structure to your face. We like to pair this procedure with our CryoSkin Toning facial. 

Blood Test


Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP, contains the very best growth factors our body offers. We love pairing this with our laser procedures to help produce collagen and elasticity. 



Nervous about your first Botox session? Good news: it's not an uncommon procedure! Around 4-5 million people get Botox annually, so you're joining a large club of satisfied patients

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